My Books Are Going to Infinity… and Beyond! Upcoming Changes To Get Excited About.
My goal at the beginning of 2018 was to write a lot– A LOT!– which in itself is exciting….
What’s Currently on my Reading List?
Right off the bat I’ll be honest and tell you guys that I don’t keep a proper “to-read” list…
Tropical Temptation’s Cover Art Evolution
It’s that time again— time to show you guys how my latest cover art came to be. I hope by…
Character featurette: Duran
Duran of Arath was a different character for me to write. He has good reason to keep his distance from…
Character featurette: Saric
Saric is an Arathian who was assigned to the Adastra when it rescued a crashing Earther plane. A trained medic,…
Character Featurette: Adrianna
I knew immediately when I began writing Shipmates that I needed to write Adrianna’s story. She’s the “nice” roommate out…
Book Confessional- Which book was highly recommended to me, but I didn’t like it?
It’s rare for me to not like a book. Sometimes there are parts of books, or an author’s writing style…
Author Challenge: Review Shipmates as if it Weren’t My Book
Man… what a post for this week! I’ve been challenged to review Shipmates as if it weren’t mine. Why…
Character Feature- Lauren
Lauren is an Earther who was among the passengers of the 737 that the Arathians saved from the vacuum…
Character Feature- Bilal
Bilal has been a security officer in the Arathian Defense his entire adult life. He held a high position on…