Character featurette: Saric
Saric is an Arathian who was assigned to the Adastra when it rescued a crashing Earther plane. A trained medic,…
Character Featurette: Adrianna
I knew immediately when I began writing Shipmates that I needed to write Adrianna’s story. She’s the “nice” roommate out…
Book Confessional- Which book was highly recommended to me, but I didn’t like it?
It’s rare for me to not like a book. Sometimes there are parts of books, or an author’s writing style…
Author Challenge: Review Shipmates as if it Weren’t My Book
Man… what a post for this week! I’ve been challenged to review Shipmates as if it weren’t mine. Why…
Character Feature- Lauren
Lauren is an Earther who was among the passengers of the 737 that the Arathians saved from the vacuum…
Free Excerpt from “Shipmates”, by Nicole Krizek
“He’s seriously hot! Like, Johnny-Depp-hot!” “I always thought he reminded me more of a shorter version of Ryan Reynolds.” “The…
Character Feature- Bilal
Bilal has been a security officer in the Arathian Defense his entire adult life. He held a high position on…
Character Feature- Ian
Ian Fletcher is a unique character. He’s originally from Earth, but has been living most of his life on…
Shipmates: Cover Art Evolution
I thought it’d be fun to show you the evolution of Shipmates’ cover! Since this is my first novella, I…
Excerpt from “Shipmates”
***WARNING: spoilers, naughty language, and R-rated material ahead!*** Ian couldn’t move. He’d gone for a walk down the…