Meet Brogan: First Lieutenant of the Arathian Royal Guard
Brogan’s character is one that I’d had in the back of my mind for a long time now. I…
Meet Conall MacLeod: The Single Father Who’s Looking For A Second Chance at Love in Alien Revelation
Conall MacLeod was the most obstinate, stubborn, mule-of-a-man I’ve ever written. (I say this with great love for him!)…
Amazon is Embarrassed by Sexy Books
I love Amazon! I buy products from the website more than ever since we moved to Italy. (They’re one…
Celebrate #NationalTellAStoryDay with a FREE Bonus Scene from Alien Savior
To celebrate National Tell a Story Day, here’s a bonus scene I wrote for my very first novel, Alien Savior!…
The Books That Started It All: What Made Me The Reader That I Am Today
Like so many other readers around the world, I can’t point to a single book and say, “This was the…
My Books Are Going to Infinity… and Beyond! Upcoming Changes To Get Excited About.
My goal at the beginning of 2018 was to write a lot– A LOT!– which in itself is exciting….
What’s Currently on my Reading List?
Right off the bat I’ll be honest and tell you guys that I don’t keep a proper “to-read” list…
Tropical Temptation’s Cover Art Evolution
It’s that time again— time to show you guys how my latest cover art came to be. I hope by…
Excerpt from “Tropical Temptation”
Here is a free sample from my 2nd novella, Tropical Temptation! Chapter 1 Adrianna startled awake, the dream she’d been…
Character featurette: Duran
Duran of Arath was a different character for me to write. He has good reason to keep his distance from…