The Desire to Write Grows with Writing
This is a very appropriate quote for me right now. Nearly four years ago I began writing my first novel,…
Carving out time to write during the holidays
This meme from J.K. Rowling felt particularly relevant right now as we near the holiday season. I’ve always felt like…
Bending Science to my Will… or Not
I hit a roadblock this week. No, not Writer’s Block. That’s an entirely different creature; one that I haven’t had…
Character Announcement!
The moment I’ve been waiting for happened- I figured out a critical point of my book! It’s an exciting moment…
Breaks are GOOD things!
I know that you’re all hoping that I had some major break-though this past week or finished my novel… no…
How did Adrift begin?
Here’s a question that I get asked often- How do your stories begin? The answer is not cut-and-dry. Each of…
Adrift’s Audiobook is LIVE!
I am ecstatic to announce that Adrift’s audiobook has just gone live! I’ve included an audio sample in this post-…
20,000 words and counting…
This week has been amazing! The kids are both back in school (halleluiah!) which means that I have a solid…
What’s in a name? EVERYTHING!
Naming characters… my least favorite part of writing! Ok, it’s not that bad, but in truth I can’t stand this…
Website D.O.W.N
You may have noticed that this past week my website wasn’t working properly. For two days it was completely down…