Welcome to my website! Now let’s talk about Adrift

Welcome to my website! It’s new, improved, and now has bonus features like a monthly newsletter sign up. I’m very excited to get it launched right before the release of my newest book!

Along with the new site, I’ve been told that I need to begin a blog. I’ve never written one, I don’t follow any, and have only visited blogs when I’ve been directed to one by Pinterest. So, I asked myself: what in the hell am I doing?! What makes me qualified to write a blog that people will actually read?

What do people WANT to read? This was the question I asked myself over and over again. If I were to begin reading an author’s blog, what sort of material would I be interested in? Part of the answer came easily–I’d want to know what the author is working on, where is she/he taking the book series, and what characters they plan to spotlight next. I’d want to know their process for creating their novels.

With this in mind, I’m beginning to formulate content for my blog. I plan to write about my book that’s launching. I’ll write about the one that’s currently swirling around in my imagination, and how I go about turning that hazy image into a novel. I’ll talk about how other people can become authors, and give you insight into me as an individual. After I get the hang of this, I’ll also begin answering questions you have.

So, that’s the plan. Sound good? I hope so!

Without further ado, let’s talk about Adrift.

Before anyone gets their panties on a twist that I’ve begun a new series, let me say that Adrift takes place in the Arathian universe. My main characters are from a planet named Siril, which is another inhabited planet in our vast galaxy. This book is technically the first in a new series, BUT I could have just as easily called it “Arathians book #4”.

So, why did I begin a new series, especially when Arathians play huge supporting roles in this book? I debated over this decision for weeks, and decided to begin a new series for two big reasons. One–both of the main characters are from Siril, a planet I’ve never written about before, and two–thisbook is a deviation from my usual writing style.

I’ve always thought of my books as being love stories first, sci-fi second. Adrift is different. I see it as sci-fi first. That’s not to say that the love story takes a backseat! On the contrary, the bond that Karo and Aevum have is what fuels the entire story. There would be no science in this book without their love.

The concept for the book began with my husband Aaron and I talking about space exploration, and the kinds of technology that would have to be invented to extend someone’s life so that they could reach another solar system. (Since our galaxy is really, freaking huge!) Adrift began as a scientific quandary and became an entire novel.

As you may have read in the reviews already posted on Amazon, Adrift is told in two different timelines: the past, and the present. In the past, Karo and Aevum meet and begin to build a relationship with one another. In the present, Karo is lost in space. He- along with help from the Arathians (Lukas, Jayda, and Deian)- is trying to get him home.

I’ll be honest, I think it’s my best novel yet! I’m SO excited about it, and can’t wait to hear what you all think! I politely ask that you share your opinions- not just with me- but please post reviews on Amazon and/or Goodreads. Those sites and reviews are critical for authors, so I’d be forever grateful for the support!


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