The final countdown!
I can’t believe that it’s only one week until Adrift’s launch! I can’t wait to hear what you all think of my new race, the Sirilians, and how they fit into the Arathian’s universe. I wrote about Adrift in my first blog post, so I won’t repeat myself, BUT I’m super excited to have this book released! I think it’s pretty awesome and I hope that you’ll all agree. 🙂

Me with Brandon Laws, my website guru!
So, what have I been doing the week before the launch? I’m spending time with my family, (I’m actually writing this from a hotel room overlooking the Oregon coast!) but I’m also trying to learn how to run my new website. I ran my old site by myself for a couple of years, but my new one is WAY better! I hired a very talented man named Brandon Laws to design and launch my new site, but now it’s my turn to take over. Cue the nail biting and anxiety! This past week I met Brandon at a Starbucks and got a crash course on using WordPress (which is awesome by the way, but something I’ve never used). I had a few blurry-eyed moments, but I’m confident that with practice I’ll get the hang of it!
I would be remiss if I didn’t thank Brandon formally. He has been AWESOME! He put up with my many questions as I tried to understand website lingo, and created a site that I’m immensely proud of. THANK YOU!
I have good news to report- the problem with Adrift’s paperbacks is fixed! I received proofs in the mail and they look great! (Karo is blue, like he’s supposed to be!) Ya know, little things like having your staring man be the correct color, make me feel better about having my readers buy the books. 😉 That being said, if you buy a paperback and the cover is purple, PLEASE let me know!
Lastly, don’t forget that I’m hosting 2 LIVE online events in celebration of Adrift’s launch! They will be:
-June 24th (Friday) at 5:00pm Pacific Time via Google Hangouts
-June 25th (Saturday) at 10:00am Pacific Time via Facebook Messenger
I’ll be talking about Adrift and taking questions. I hope you all can join me! If you’d like to submit questions to me early, you can write me through my Facebook Page, or email me at: [email protected]
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